I am writing this note to thank you for your continued interest and commitment to advancing gender equality and building a healthy society in Adaklu District and beyond in Ghana.
When GROW YOUR DREAM FOUNDATION was founded in Ghana over 6 years ago (then still under the name DreamsAlive), we hoped to challenge the way we think, change the way we interact, and ultimately, shift the systems that shape and support gender inequality and unhealthy ideas of what it means to be a healthy society. We believe that men must be partners in the revolution for gender equality: the revolution that women and women’s rights activists lead. We are still working every day in service of this mission.
Will you join us by making a contribution today, to advance the work of GYDF?
Over the course of this year, COVID-19 has laid bare the critical nature of this work. In the face of a pandemic that has claimed more lives than any other global event of the past decades; we witness men in positions of power who see caring for themselves and caring for others as a weakness. We see women exiting the workforce, demonstrating what we know to be true – that the responsibility of unpaid care work rests unfairly on them. We have also seen men’s use of violence against women spike, and have seen women quarantined with violent male partners. And, we see that people of low-income families are being hit the hardest.
We have contributed to address these problems through a range of activities. With your support last year, we:
- Launched an initiative to engage teachers, parents, and coaches to support boys and girls with school bags and face masks in Adaklu District – Ghana;
- Worked with survivors in Adaklu to help them to heal, and to break free from legacies of violence;
- Partnered with GHS and other institutions to mainstream efforts to boost men’s participation in parenting and care work;
- Provided policymakers, business leaders, and purpose-driven brands with research, evidence-based strategies, and programmes that contribute to system-level change.
Together with our partners, we have demonstrated that change is possible. As we head into next year, we will continue to build on our evidence-based approaches and global advocacy to prevent violence, promote healthy society, and advance gender equality around the world.
Grow Your Dream Foundation – Ghana